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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ As a result a third, lower tier to the court system, the police courts, was added in 1843.
▪ The lowest tier on the tea tray holds four glass containers of jams and custard and the promise of scones to come.
▪ The lowest tier of planks cleared his head by at least a foot.
▪ Some were perhaps not unhappy at the abolition of the counties, for certain powers returned to the lower tiers of government.
▪ A lower tier of 10,000 seats will be ready for the 1993 Five Nations.
▪ Must we take a fund soas to avoid having our patients condemned to the lower tier of a two tier service?
▪ Green Belt functions were transferred to the lower tier authorities who are now required to prepare unitary development plans for their areas.
▪ Without these skills, we risk creating a new tier of unregulated and unaccountable decision-making.
▪ The legislation transformed it into a new central bank and introduced a new tier of commercial banks and other lending institutions.
▪ Labour offers to all those who want simpler local government a new tier of expensive regional government.
▪ When the London Stock Exchange's new third tier market started up, most punters were interested.
▪ It appears that even now we are witnessing the establishment of a new and uppermost tier in the hierarchy of precious metals.
▪ You could add a smaller top tier of curtains which could be drawn at night should you want complete privacy.
▪ Of those, 71% moved to a top tier auditor while only 8% moved away from the largest firms.
▪ These could form a top tier of targets which could be developed for application to individual businesses.
▪ What, then, about the top tier?
▪ The top tier of hangars was in darkness.
▪ The most important developments, however, were to occur in the top tier of designated districts - the Partnerships.
▪ The descent to the Main Cliff and Upper tier remains serious, but no workable remedy has been found so far.
▪ Tastes for variety are assumed to be of the S-D-S form, and the upper tier utility function is Cobb-Douglas.
▪ Look especially for the frieze of statues on the upper tier.
▪ Let the upper tier utility function be Cobb-Douglas.
▪ The solution is to drape the upper tiers of stadiums with colorful banners and herd spectators close to the pitch.
▪ What happens when upper tier preferences can not be represented by a Cobb-Douglas utility function?
▪ In the 1983 to 1987 Parliament, we removed the metropolitan upper tier.
▪ There's no point in the fund holding system unless there is a two tier system.
▪ The tier system gives both light and privacy.
▪ The critics are making a fundamental error in labelling this the start of a two-tier system.
▪ The two tier system mentioned some time ago was needed now and a greater standard of excellence was essential in practical embalming.
▪ We are seeing the beginnings of a two tier system.
▪ More importantly, a different tier system is developing in different parts of the country.
▪ He says we're going toward a two tier system and those dependant on the state are seen as failures.
▪ Mason occupied two spaces on a tier of seats normally reserved for the board of directors and important visitors.
▪ The strong economy has done little for workers at the lowest tier.
▪ We always sat in the top tier of seats.
▪ I suppose I could have joined in except I was on the second tier of the other stand.
▪ It is the second tier of visual cortex that specializes.
▪ Statues by the hundred sat around and above him, tier upon curving tier.
▪ The legislation transformed it into a new central bank and introduced a new tier of commercial banks and other lending institutions.
▪ The second tier of the programme is in-house training.
▪ The two tiers are not intended to exist in a hierarchical relationship to each other.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tier \Ti"er\, n. [See Tire a headdress.] A chold's apron covering the upper part of the body, and tied with tape or cord; a pinafore. [Written also tire.]


Tier \Tier\, n. [Perhaps fr. OF. tire, F. tire; probably of Teutonic origin; cf. OHG. ziar[=i] ornament, G. zier, AS. t[=i]r glory, ti['e]r row, rank. But cf. also F. tirer to draw, pull; of Teutonic origin. Cf. Attire, v. t., Tire a headdress, but also Tirade.] A row or rank, especially one of two or more rows placed one above, or higher than, another; as, a tier of seats in a theater.

Tiers of a cable, the ranges of fakes, or windings, of a cable, laid one within another when coiled.


Tier \Ti"er\, n. One who, or that which, ties.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"row, rank, range," mid-15c., from Middle French tire, from Old French tire (13c.) "rank, sequence, order, kind," also "likeness, image; state, condition," probably from tirer "to draw, draw out" (see tirade).


Etymology 1 n. 1 One who ties (knots, etc). 2 Something that ties. Etymology 2

n. A layer or rank, especially of seats or a wedding cake. vb. 1 (context transitive English) To arrange in layers. 2 (context transitive English) To cascade in an overlapping sequence.

  1. n. a relative position or degree of value in a graded group; "lumber of the highest grade" [syn: grade, level]

  2. any one of two or more competitors who tie one another

  3. a worker who ties something [syn: tier up]

  4. something that is used for tying; "the sail is fastened to the yard with tiers"

  5. one of two or more layers one atop another; "tier upon tier of huge casks"; "a three-tier wedding cake"


TIER may refer to:

  • Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, one of two major economic research institutes in Taiwan

Tier may refer to:

  • a layer or ranking or classification-group in any real or imagined hierarchy
    • a layer in a multitiered software architecture
    • tier (emission standard), one of a set of standards in the United States for vehicle emissions
    • data center tiers, availability levels (called tiers) of data centers in a thorough, quantifiable manner
    • A level in a sports league system
  • A group of cable networks offered bundled together to potential subscribers, rather than separately
  • Tier (song), by German band Rammstein
  • Some kind of difference between items in Massively multiplayer online games.

Usage examples of "tier".

Poets and kings are but the clerks of Time, Tiering the same dull webs of discontent, Clipping the same sad alnage of the years.

The Biter was on the dockyard tiers, swarming with yardmen, with attendant noise and mess.

But he did not converse with Holt about it until much afterwards, until they had rowed downstream at last to where Biter lay silent on the Deptford tiers.

Every one suddenly appeared extremely busy, and kept as far from Boule de Suif as if tier skirts had been infected with some deadly disease.

A few moments later, as the crowd held its aching sides and mopped its eyes, Samson the Strong Man hauled prone, soaked, semi-conscious, fearfully hallucinating Buffo off up the gangway that led to the foyer as little children gave him one last tittering poke for luck before he vanished as from the face of the earth, while the clowns ran round and round the tiers of seats, kissing babies, distributing bonbons and laughing, laughing, laughing to hide their broken hearts.

And then the smell of wood smoke in the lodge, the tiered smoke in the cold room, the cadaverine breath of the men crowded around him and Mischa on the hearth.

Even the flaring coral pink and incarnadine satins of the capes glistened with the lubricious tones of intimate feminine flesh and served to underscore the essentially lascivious nature of the frenzy that descended upon the tiered ranks of spectators.

My hands, too, were chained, the two chains running to a heavy ring over and above my head, in the slatted wood of the tier on which I lay.

They filled every cuneus and maenianum of the amphitheater, from the best seats up to the hard ledges of the highest tier.

The dark tiers of the prison walls ran forever down the deep cyanic sky.

Tiers upon Tiers of people rose up all round in a widening circle, and lost themselves in a dazy mist of light at the top--it was like a picture by Martin!

They rode the escalator to the sixth tier and squirmed through pandemonium to their seats.

At the far end of the godown, bronze cylinders were stacked in tiers of different sizes.

He took a table on the top tier and watched Greg Grom perform below, at the best seat in the house.

The box I had engaged was in the second tier, but the theatre being small it was difficult for a pretty woman to escape observation.